American Pools Services

Leak Detection:

Customers call us all the time with concern about a leak in their liner. Before we inspect the liner, our specialists will also check the plumbing, lights, and ladders, where leaks can also occur and go undetected to the untrained eye.


Plumbing issues are often the culprit when we hear about a liner popping out of a track. We check the pressure and system gauge to ensure that your system is running smoothly.


Lights require specialized knowledge during installation to prevent faulty finishing which can result in a number of problems down the line. It’s important to get it right the first time, which is why our team of experts takes great care when repairing and replacing lighting.


Not all ladders are created equally! We use top of the line ladders which are guaranteed to provide years of quality, comfort, and safety for you and your loved ones.


Our team is trained in deck design, repair, and installation. Call us at 303.893.2555 for more information about how we can create an improved poolside deck for your relaxation and enjoyment!

Liner Replacement and Repair:

Often times, we receive calls from people who want to know if a damaged liner can be salvaged or must be completely scrapped. Depending on the type and extent of damage, we can assess the scope of the problem and estimate the cost and kind of work required. Call us at 303.893.2555 to schedule a free on-site estimate!

Automatic and Safety Covers:

We install automatic CoverStar covers and LoopLoc safety covers. For more information about our covers and installation, give us a call or schedule an estimate today!

Free Estimate!

303 733 6252